2) the importance of agriculture

- Agriculture provides employment.

- Food production continue to rise.

- Trade in agricultural products has increased.

- Farmland accounts for about 36% of global land use.

- Agriculture provides the basis of many manufacturing and service industries.

3) join words and definitions

Arable: the cultivation of croops.
Commercial: products are sold to make a profit.
Intensive: high inputs and yields per unit area.
Nomadie: farmers moved seasonally with their herds.
Extensive: low input an yield per unit area.
Pastoral: reaning animals.
Sedentay: farmers remain in the same place throughout the year.
Subsistence: the products are consumed by the cultivators.


1. Shifting cultivation

2. Wet rice farming
3. Market gardening
4. Extensive commercial farming

5. Plantation agriculture

6. Dry and extensive agriculture

7. Modern mediterranean agriculture

6) Find out what are:

CAP: Common Agricultural Policy. Is a system of European Union agricultural subsidies and programmes.

BSE: Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy. It causes a spongy degeneration in th brain and spinal cord.

GM FOODS: Genetically Modified foods. They have had specific changes introuces into their DNA.

GREEN REVOLUTION: Is the transformation of agriculture that began in 1945.